Vascular Surgery Thesis Topics

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vascular surgery thesis topics

Vascular Surgery Thesis Topics

  1. Role of fenestrated endografts versus standard endografts in juxtarenal aortic aneurysms
  2. Long-term survival outcomes in endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) versus open surgery in AAA
  3. Outcomes of thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) versus open surgery in thoracic aortic aneurysms
  4. Efficacy of endovascular repair versus medical management in acute aortic dissections
  5. Comparative study on outcomes of hybrid versus total endovascular approach in thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms
  6. Role of dual antiplatelet therapy versus single therapy in post-EVAR complications
  7. Outcomes of carotid endarterectomy versus carotid artery stenting in symptomatic carotid stenosis
  8. Efficacy of patch angioplasty versus primary closure in carotid endarterectomy
  9. Comparative study on outcomes of carotid artery stenting in asymptomatic versus symptomatic carotid disease
  10. Long-term outcomes of transcarotid artery revascularization versus standard carotid endarterectomy
  11. Role of intraoperative shunting versus no shunting in carotid endarterectomy
  12. Comparative outcomes of laser atherectomy versus angioplasty in femoropopliteal arterial disease
  13. Efficacy of drug-coated balloon angioplasty versus plain balloon angioplasty in peripheral artery disease (PAD)
  14. Role of autologous vein versus synthetic grafts in femoropopliteal bypass surgery
  15. Outcomes of endovascular versus open bypass surgery in infrainguinal arterial occlusive disease
  16. Efficacy of minimally invasive deep vein arterialization in chronic limb-threatening ischemia
  17. Comparative study on hybrid revascularization versus endovascular approach in lower extremity PAD
  18. Long-term patency rates in femoropopliteal bypass using prosthetic grafts versus vein grafts
  19. Efficacy of atherectomy versus drug-coated balloons in treating in-stent restenosis in PAD
  20. Comparative outcomes of open repair versus endovascular repair of popliteal artery aneurysms
  21. Role of angiosome-directed revascularization in diabetic patients with chronic limb ischemia
  22. Efficacy of endovenous laser ablation versus radiofrequency ablation in varicose vein treatment
  23. Comparative outcomes of sclerotherapy versus microphlebectomy in managing small saphenous vein reflux
  24. Role of foam sclerotherapy versus thermal ablation in treating recurrent varicose veins
  25. Long-term outcomes of venous stenting versus anticoagulation alone in iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis
  26. Efficacy of percutaneous venous ablation versus stripping in chronic venous insufficiency
  27. Comparative study on high ligation and stripping versus endovenous ablation in great saphenous vein reflux
  28. Role of catheter-directed thrombolysis versus systemic anticoagulation in deep vein thrombosis
  29. Outcomes of minimally invasive versus open treatment of iliac vein compression syndrome
  30. Efficacy of thoracic outlet decompression versus conservative management in neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome
  31. Outcomes of first rib resection versus scalene muscle resection in venous thoracic outlet syndrome
  32. Comparative study on outcomes of percutaneous versus open stenting in subclavian vein compression
  33. Efficacy of balloon angioplasty versus stenting in subclavian artery stenosis
  34. Role of endovascular embolization versus open surgery in splenic artery aneurysms
  35. Long-term outcomes of branched versus fenestrated endografts in complex aortic aneurysms
  36. Comparative outcomes of branched versus unbranched endografts in thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair
  37. Role of prophylactic iliac artery stenting in preventing endoleak in complex EVAR
  38. Efficacy of open surgical repair versus endovascular repair in traumatic thoracic aortic injury
  39. Outcomes of primary repair versus patch angioplasty in traumatic peripheral arterial injuries
  40. Comparative study on surgical versus endovascular repair of traumatic carotid artery injuries
  41. Role of covered stents versus bare-metal stents in vascular trauma involving major arteries
  42. Long-term outcomes of bypass grafting versus stenting in traumatic popliteal artery injuries
  43. Efficacy of percutaneous versus surgical creation of arteriovenous fistulae for dialysis
  44. Outcomes of radiocephalic versus brachiocephalic arteriovenous fistulae in dialysis access
  45. Comparative study on outcomes of graft versus native AV fistulae in end-stage renal disease
  46. Efficacy of pharmacomechanical thrombectomy versus catheter-directed thrombolysis in AV fistula thrombosis
  47. Long-term outcomes of endovascular versus surgical interventions in dysfunctional dialysis access
  48. Role of preoperative imaging with duplex ultrasound versus angiography in AV fistula placement
  49. Outcomes of staged versus single-stage fistula maturation in dialysis patients
  50. Comparative outcomes of stent grafting versus open repair in thoracic outlet syndrome-related subclavian aneurysms
  51. Efficacy of intraoperative duplex ultrasound versus fluoroscopy in lower extremity bypass graft patency
  52. Role of computed tomography angiography versus magnetic resonance angiography in preoperative planning for aortic surgery
  53. Comparative outcomes of duplex ultrasound versus contrast-enhanced ultrasound in detecting carotid artery restenosis
  54. Efficacy of MRI versus CT angiography in follow-up of EVAR patients for endoleak detection
  55. Role of 3D printing in preoperative planning for complex vascular reconstructions
  56. Long-term outcomes of remote ischemic preconditioning in preventing complications in PAD surgery
  57. Comparative effectiveness of spinal anesthesia versus general anesthesia in lower extremity revascularization
  58. Role of intraoperative hemodynamic monitoring in reducing complications in aortic aneurysm repair
  59. Outcomes of prophylactic antibiotics versus no antibiotics in vascular graft infection prevention
  60. Comparative outcomes of endovascular embolization versus open surgery in renal artery aneurysms
  61. Efficacy of beta-blockers versus statins in reducing progression of abdominal aortic aneurysm
  62. Role of mechanical versus pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis in vascular surgery patients
  63. Outcomes of smoking cessation programs versus pharmacotherapy in reducing PAD progression
  64. Efficacy of exercise therapy versus pharmacologic therapy in claudication improvement in PAD
  65. Long-term outcomes of statin therapy versus placebo in reducing reintervention rates post-EVAR
  66. Comparative outcomes of drug-coated balloons versus plain balloons in infrapopliteal disease
  67. Role of endovascular stent-graft placement versus coil embolization in visceral artery aneurysms
  68. Efficacy of early versus late endovenous ablation in superficial vein thrombophlebitis
  69. Outcomes of cryoplasty versus conventional angioplasty in peripheral artery disease
  70. Comparative outcomes of coil embolization versus glue embolization in arteriovenous malformations
  71. Role of endovascular embolization versus surgery in renal artery pseudoaneurysms
  72. Efficacy of laser-assisted angioplasty versus traditional angioplasty in peripheral arterial disease
  73. Long-term survival outcomes of elective versus emergency EVAR in ruptured AAA
  74. Comparative outcomes of femoral-popliteal bypass versus angioplasty in diabetic patients with PAD
  75. Role of rotational versus orbital atherectomy in heavily calcified femoropopliteal lesions
  76. Efficacy of stent-graft versus primary suture repair in iatrogenic femoral artery injuries
  77. Comparative study on the outcomes of radial artery versus saphenous vein grafts in coronary bypass
  78. Outcomes of angiosome-guided revascularization versus conventional revascularization in diabetic foot ulcers
  79. Role of heparin versus direct oral anticoagulants in preventing graft occlusion in PAD
  80. Efficacy of dual antiplatelet therapy versus monotherapy in maintaining patency post-angioplasty for PAD
  81. Outcomes of hybrid revascularization techniques versus traditional open revascularization in critical limb ischemia
  82. Comparative outcomes of endovascular versus open repair for iliac artery aneurysms
  83. Role of catheter-directed thrombolysis versus systemic thrombolysis in acute limb ischemia
  84. Efficacy of drug-eluting stents versus bare-metal stents in femoropopliteal artery disease
  85. Long-term outcomes of carotid-subclavian bypass versus stenting in subclavian steal syndrome
  86. Comparative study on outcomes of prophylactic endovascular repair versus surveillance in small AAA
  87. Efficacy of retrograde versus antegrade approach in complex femoropopliteal occlusions
  88. Outcomes of angioplasty versus bypass in treating claudication in PAD patients
  89. Role of novel anti-inflammatory agents in reducing restenosis rates post-femoropopliteal stenting
  90. Comparative outcomes of transcarotid artery revascularization versus transfemoral stenting in carotid artery disease
  91. Efficacy of bioresorbable vascular scaffolds versus metal stents in treating femoropopliteal occlusive disease
  92. Outcomes of duplex-guided versus fluoroscopy-guided foam sclerotherapy in varicose vein management
  93. Role of direct puncture versus catheter-based thrombolysis in acute deep vein thrombosis
  94. Efficacy of venous stenting versus compression therapy in post-thrombotic syndrome
  95. Comparative outcomes of cyanoacrylate closure versus radiofrequency ablation in chronic venous insufficiency
  96. Long-term outcomes of open versus endovascular repair of thoracoabdominal aneurysms
  97. Role of ECMO as a bridge to surgical repair in complex traumatic aortic injuries
  98. Comparative outcomes of femoral-tibial bypass with vein graft versus prosthetic graft in limb salvage
  99. Efficacy of intermittent pneumatic compression versus graduated compression stockings in DVT prevention
  100. Outcomes of iliac vein stenting versus conservative therapy in pelvic congestion syndrome
  101. Comparative effectiveness of dual-layer versus single-layer stents in managing carotid artery stenosis
  102. Role of point-of-care ultrasound versus standard imaging in early diagnosis of DVT
  103. Efficacy of catheter-based thrombectomy versus pharmacologic thrombolysis in acute pulmonary embolism
  104. Comparative outcomes of thermal ablation versus sclerotherapy in treatment of small saphenous vein reflux
  105. Long-term patency rates of subintimal angioplasty versus bypass in chronic limb ischemia
  106. Role of ultrasound-guided nerve blocks versus general anesthesia in vascular surgery patients
  107. Outcomes of pharmacomechanical versus surgical thrombectomy in massive iliofemoral DVT
  108. Efficacy of rotational thrombectomy versus aspiration thrombectomy in acute limb ischemia
  109. Comparative study on heparin versus direct thrombin inhibitors in postoperative DVT prophylaxis
  110. Outcomes of drug-coated balloon angioplasty in calcified versus non-calcified PAD lesions
  111. Role of primary stenting versus angioplasty alone in treating popliteal artery occlusions
  112. Efficacy of localized versus systemic heparin infusion in preventing graft thrombosis
  113. Comparative outcomes of vascular access using radial versus femoral artery in endovascular procedures
  114. Outcomes of autologous versus allograft vascular patches in carotid endarterectomy
  115. Role of biodegradable versus traditional stents in pediatric vascular interventions
  116. Efficacy of percutaneous balloon angioplasty versus open repair in coarctation of the aorta in adults
  117. Comparative outcomes of radial artery versus saphenous vein grafts in coronary bypass grafting
  118. Role of custom 3D-printed stent grafts versus conventional stent grafts in complex aortic aneurysms
  119. Efficacy of laser-assisted versus ultrasound-assisted thrombolysis in acute DVT


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